SALE Quick view Details Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM027 - “Big Week” 1944 Operation Argument and the breaking of the Jagdwaffe MSRP: Was: $24.00 Now: $19.20 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM043 - Yom Kippur War 1973: Airpower in Israel's hardest-fought war MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $20.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM047 - Operation Barbarossa 1941: The Luftwaffe opens the Eastern Front campaign MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $20.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Afric a @ War: Ripe For Rebellion: Insurgency and Covert War in the Congo, 1960-1965 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War Book: Wings over Ogaden The Ethiopian–Somali War, 1978–1979 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Belgian Military Forces in the Congo: Volume 2: Congolese Tactical Air Force Co-Operation with the CIA 1964-67 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Biafra: The Nigerian Civil War 1967-1970 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Bush War Rhodesia : 1966-1980 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Ethiopian-Eritrean Wars: Volume 2 - Eritrean War of Independence, 1988-1991 & Badme War, 1998-2001 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: For God and the CIA : Cuban Exile Forces in the Congo and Beyond, 1959-1967 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: France in Centrafrique: From Bokassa and Operation Barracude to the Days of EUFOR MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Great Lakes Conflagration: Second Congo War, 1998–2003 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Great Lakes Holocaust: First Congo War, 1996–1997 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Koevoet: Volume 1 - South West African Police Counter-Insurgency Operations During the South African Border War 1978-1984 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Libyan Air Wars - Part 2: 1985–1986 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Libyan Air Wars: Part 1: 1973-1985 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Mar Verde: The Portuguese Amphibious Assault on Conakry, 1970 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Mau Mau: The Kenyan Emergency 1952–60 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: MINURSO - United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara: Peace Operation Stalled in the Desert, 1991-2021 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Peacekeeping in Darfur: the AMIS The mission of the African Union in Sudan, Darfur 2004-2007 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Rhodesian Fire Force 1966-80 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Sanctuary Lost Portugal's Air War for Guinea 1961-1974 : Volume 1 - Outbreak and Escalation (1961-1966) MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Sanctuary Lost: Portugal’s Air War for Guinea, 1961–1974: Volume 2 - Debacle to Deadlock, 1966–1972 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Showdown in Western Sahara: Air Warfare Over the Last African Colony: Volume 1 - 1945-1975 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale: Cold War Angolan Finale, 1987–1988 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Biafran Army 1967-70 : Build-Up and Downfall of the Secessionist Military MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Flechas: Insurgent Hunting in Eastern Angola, 1965–1974 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: War of Intervention in Angola : Volume 2 - Angolan and Cuban Forces, 1976-1983 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: War of Intervention in Angola : Volume 3 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces, 1975-1989 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: WAR OF INTERVENTION IN ANGOLA VOLUME 5: Angolan and Cuban Air Forces 1987-1992 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Wars and Insurgencies of Uganda 1971-1994 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: At the Forward Edge of Battle - A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016: Volume 1 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: At the Forward Edge of Battle - A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016: Volume 2 MSRP: Was: $29.92 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: BORNEO STAND-OFF VOLUME 1 Seeds of the Confrontation and the Brunei Revolt of 1962 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Emperor's Own: Ethiopians in the Korean War MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Fury from the North North Korean Air Force in the Korean War, 1950-1953 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: NINE LIVES OF THE FLYING TIGER VOLUME 1 America's Secret Air Wars in Asia, 1945-1950 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Operation Cactus: Indian Military Intervention in the Maldives, 1988 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Operation Meghdoot: India’s War in Siachen – 1984 to Present MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Paradise Afire: The Sri Lankan War: Volume 1 - 1971-1987 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM027 - “Big Week” 1944 Operation Argument and the breaking of the Jagdwaffe A rigorous new analysis of America's legendary 'Big Week' air campaign which enabled the Allies to gain air superiority before D-Day. The USAAF's mighty World War II bomber forces were designed for unescorted, precision daylight bombing, but no-one... MSRP: Was: $24.00 Now: $19.20 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM043 - Yom Kippur War 1973: Airpower in Israel's hardest-fought war The story of the hardest-fought air war of the jet era, where highly trained Israeli air forces almost met their match against Egypt and Syria's high-tech MiGs and missiles. The Yom Kippur War, or October War of 1973 was perhaps the most intensive and... MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $20.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Osprey Publishing - OSP ACM047 - Operation Barbarossa 1941: The Luftwaffe opens the Eastern Front campaign Barbarossa was the biggest German invasion of World War II. Comprehensively illustrated, this study explores the air campaign that spearheaded it, and how it evolved during the rest of 1941. The German invasion of the USSR, Operation Barbarossa, was the... MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $20.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Afric a @ War: Ripe For Rebellion: Insurgency and Covert War in the Congo, 1960-1965 After many years of political struggle, the Belgian Congo was finally granted its independence in June 1960. Becoming the Republic of the Congo and later the Democratic Republic of the Congo, what was supposed to be a momentous occasion in the country's... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War Book: Wings over Ogaden The Ethiopian–Somali War, 1978–1979 With Ethiopia in disarray following a period of severe internal unrest and the spread of insurgencies in Eritrea and Tigray, Ethiopia and its armed forces should have offered little opposition to well-equipped Somali armed forces which were unleashed to... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Belgian Military Forces in the Congo: Volume 2: Congolese Tactical Air Force Co-Operation with the CIA 1964-67 Although Belgium officially withdrew its military forces from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in July 1960, unofficially the former colonial ruler of this central African country maintained a political, economic, and military presence... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Biafra: The Nigerian Civil War 1967-1970 Nigeria was a unique concept in the formation of modern Africa. It began life as a highly lucrative if climatically challenging holding of the Royal Niger Company, a British Chartered Company under the control of Victorian capitalist Sir George Taubman... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Bush War Rhodesia : 1966-1980 It has been over three decades since the Union Jack was lowered on the colony of Rhodesia, but the bitter and divisive civil war that preceded it has continued to endure as a textbook counterinsurgency campaign fought between a mobile, motivated and... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Ethiopian-Eritrean Wars: Volume 2 - Eritrean War of Independence, 1988-1991 & Badme War, 1998-2001 Ethiopia, a country of ancient origins in eastern Africa, remains a military powerhouse of that continent until our days. Nowadays involved in the war in neighboring Somalia, Ethiopia was also involved in half a dozen of other armed conflicts over the... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: For God and the CIA : Cuban Exile Forces in the Congo and Beyond, 1959-1967 As United Nations armed forces found themselves struggling to quell a series of armed rebellions, towards the end of 1962 the United States increased its military role in the Congo Crisis by providing the Congolese government with a small air force... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: France in Centrafrique: From Bokassa and Operation Barracude to the Days of EUFOR This military history of French Equatorial Africa examines the key players and operations from WWII to post-colonial conflicts. France in Centrafrique explores the history of French Equatorial Africa with a particular emphasis on the role of the Central... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Great Lakes Conflagration: Second Congo War, 1998–2003 Great Lakes Conflagration' is the second in two volumes covering military operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the turn from the 21st century. This volume explores developments in the DRC that led to the outbreak of violence in August... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Great Lakes Holocaust: First Congo War, 1996–1997 Great Lakes Holocaust' is the first in two volumes covering military operations in Zaire - as the Congo was named from 1971 until 1997 - and the Democratic Republic of Congo at the turn of the 21st century. This volume explores the events of the 1980s... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Koevoet: Volume 1 - South West African Police Counter-Insurgency Operations During the South African Border War 1978-1984 Koevoet (Afrikaans for ‘Crowbar’) tells of the origination and deployment of the South West African Police’s elite counter-insurgency capability during the South African Border War of 1978–1989. Drawing upon previously unpublished sources and from... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Libyan Air Wars - Part 2: 1985–1986 While the first volume in this mini-series spanned the first decade of confrontations between Libya and several of its neighbors, but foremost the USA and France, between 1973 and 1985, the second is to cover the period of less than a year – between... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Libyan Air Wars: Part 1: 1973-1985 Between 1973 and 1989, various Western powers and Libya were entangled in a seemingly never-ending exchange of blows. Supposedly launched in retaliation for one action or the other, this confrontation resulted in a number of high-profile, even though... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Mar Verde: The Portuguese Amphibious Assault on Conakry, 1970 In the early hours of 22 November 1970, six Portuguese warships surrounded Conakry, the capital of the Republic of Guinea, on the West African coast. Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, a military force landed on the northern and southern... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Mau Mau: The Kenyan Emergency 1952–60 “[An] informative and readable account of the growth of the politically motivated and extremely violent Mau Mau in Kenya.” —Military Historical Society The Second World War forever altered the complexion of the British Empire. From Cyprus to Malaya,... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: MINURSO - United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara: Peace Operation Stalled in the Desert, 1991-2021 In 1975 Spain relinquished control of its former colony of Spanish Sahara following a short conflict with the Polisario, the armed movement representing many of the native Sahrawi people. In the wake of Spains withdrawal, neighboring Morocco and... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Peacekeeping in Darfur: the AMIS The mission of the African Union in Sudan, Darfur 2004-2007 MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Rhodesian Fire Force 1966-80 On 11 November 1965, Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith unilaterally declared his country independent of Britain. International sanctions were immediately instituted against the minority white regime as Robert Mugabe's ZANLA and Joshua Nkomo's ZIPRA... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Sanctuary Lost Portugal's Air War for Guinea 1961-1974 : Volume 1 - Outbreak and Escalation (1961-1966) "This is an informative and motivating book covering another little known Cold War/African Colonial War campaign that is a welcome addition to modelers and historian bookshelves." — IPMS/USA From 1963 to 1974, Portugal and its nationalist enemies fought... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Sanctuary Lost: Portugal’s Air War for Guinea, 1961–1974: Volume 2 - Debacle to Deadlock, 1966–1972 From 1963 to 1974, Portugal and its nationalist enemies fought an increasingly intense war for the independence of Portuguese Guinea, then a colony but now the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. For most of the conflict Portugal enjoyed virtually unchallenged... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Showdown in Western Sahara: Air Warfare Over the Last African Colony: Volume 1 - 1945-1975 The former colony of Spanish Sahara saw frequent outbursts of tribal and ethnic rebellions already while ruled by colonial authorities, in the late 19th and through early 20th Century. Its vastness and distances de-facto dictated the application of air... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale: Cold War Angolan Finale, 1987–1988 In the broad history of the Cold War, the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale was the climax of a far-off, but nonetheless important African war. It was waged between the apartheid South African Defence Force (SADF) and the armed forces of the communist MPLA... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Biafran Army 1967-70 : Build-Up and Downfall of the Secessionist Military Synonymous with the starvation that killed almost two million people, Biafra was a parastate that voted to secede from Nigeria in May 1967. Formally recognized by Gabon, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, and Zambia, and supported by France, Israel, Portugal, Spain,... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: The Flechas: Insurgent Hunting in Eastern Angola, 1965–1974 In 1961, Portugal found itself fighting a war to retain its colonial possessions and preserve the remnants of its empire. It was almost completely unprepared to do so, and this was particularly evident in its ability to project power and to control the... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: War of Intervention in Angola : Volume 2 - Angolan and Cuban Forces, 1976-1983 As of mid-1976, the civil war in Angola was seemingly decided: supported by a large contingent of Cuban forces, the MPLA established itself in power in Luanda. Its native competitors, the US-French-Zaire-supported FNLA, and UNITA, supported by China and... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: War of Intervention in Angola : Volume 3 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces, 1975-1989 War of Intervention in Angola, Volume 3 covers the air warfare during the II Angolan War – fought 1975-1992 – through narrating the emergence and operational history of the Angolan Air Force and Air Defence Force (FAPA/DAA) as told by Angolan and Cuban... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: WAR OF INTERVENTION IN ANGOLA VOLUME 5: Angolan and Cuban Air Forces 1987-1992 Through late 1987 and early 1988, the battlefields of southern Angola moved ever further away from the border with South West Africa/Namibia, until the showdown between the Soviet and Cuban-supported government in Luanda and South African-supported... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Africa @ War: Wars and Insurgencies of Uganda 1971-1994 In 1971, Idi Amin Dada, a former officer of the King’s African Rifles and commander of the Ugandan Army, seized power in a military coup in Uganda. Characterized by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extra judicial killings,... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: At the Forward Edge of Battle - A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016: Volume 1 This is a well-researched and authoritative account by a military historian, Maj Gen Syed Ali Hamid. It embraces the evolution of the Pakistan Armoured Corps, including its culture, organization, doctrine, equipment, operational performance, overseas... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: At the Forward Edge of Battle - A History of the Pakistan Armoured Corps 1938-2016: Volume 2 At the Forward Edge of Battle is the first ever illustrated history of the Pakistan Armoured Corps. The Pakistan Armoured Corps is based on a unique blend of values and traditions inherited from its predecessors, and those of the post-Independence... MSRP: Was: $29.92 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: BORNEO STAND-OFF VOLUME 1 Seeds of the Confrontation and the Brunei Revolt of 1962 The aftermath of the Second World War saw many colonial empires in a state of upheaval. In South East Asia, what had been armed resistance against the Japanese invaders and occupiers was now often turned into national liberation movements seeking... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Emperor's Own: Ethiopians in the Korean War On June 25, 1950, as he was flying back to Washington D.C. to deal with the outbreak of war in Korea, US President Harry Truman thought, “In my generation, this was not the first occasion when the strong had attacked the weak. I recalled some earlier... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Fury from the North North Korean Air Force in the Korean War, 1950-1953 It was almost exactly 15.00 hours local time, on 25 June 1950, when nine Yakovlev Yak-9P fighters of the North Korea’s ‘Korean People’s Air Force’ (KPAF) simultaneously attacked Seoul International Airport and the Kimpo Airfield outside Seoul, the... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: NINE LIVES OF THE FLYING TIGER VOLUME 1 America's Secret Air Wars in Asia, 1945-1950 The famed American Volunteer Group (AVG) created in August 1941, under the command of Claire Lee Chennault set an example of heroism for the American public opinion at the onset of the Second World War. This band of volunteer aviators serving under the... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Operation Cactus: Indian Military Intervention in the Maldives, 1988 In 1988, the Indian Army and Air Force, ably supported by the Indian Navy, carried out a daring intervention in the Maldives. The government of the Maldives, led by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, facing an attempted coup by PLOTE, a renegade group of Tamil... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Operation Meghdoot: India’s War in Siachen – 1984 to Present In 1984, the Indian Army carried out a stunning operation that captured the Siachen Glacier in the northernmost regions of what is now the Union Territory of Ladakh. Since that time, a full brigade of Indian troops has faced off against a similar number... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Helion & Company - HEL Asia @ War: Paradise Afire: The Sri Lankan War: Volume 1 - 1971-1987 When released into independence from Great Britain in 1948, the stunningly beautiful island of Ceylon, renamed Sri Lanka in 1972, was expected to become a sort of ‘South Asian Singapore.' However, stable political order and bright economic prospects... MSRP: Was: $29.95 Now: $26.95 Add to Cart