Product Description
All about the CK rules
CK is a very "broad brush" set of rules. This means that a spearmen from 2000 BC is treated in the same way as one from 1200 AD. This is because CK concentrates on a player's ability to manage and use an army. CK tests the players skill at command, rather than his skill at army building.
CK will encourage a player's best troop combination to be the equal of his opponent's best troop combination.
This will avoid any intrinsic army wide superiority.
CK constantly  throws up command decision so that player's can show their ability  or otherwise to manage a battle.
There are many re-roll opportunities in CK so that players once again are put into a situation needing a decision
Period of warfare covered
CK covers the wargamer defined "ancient period". This takes the game from ancient Sumer up until the samurai battles of the sixteenth century. This really is a fudge but CK Â needs to fit in with the current status of the hobby. It would be nice to make CK more narrowly defined (e.g hoplite warfare) but players have so many and varied armies that they want use.
Game Setting
CK uses the period of warfare defined by WRG over their many rule books.
Associated Peter Pig range
Ancients range 3, Â Dark ages range 9, WOTR range 23 and Samurai range 24.
Game scenario generator
CK start with a simple piggy chase with modifiers for scouting troops. The winner of this chase chooses to be either the attacker or defender.
Game table size
CK is a gridded game. Just like the 1998 version. A grid of 6 zones width and 5 zones depth. In 15mm these zones are 10" wide and 6" deep. In 25mm these zones would be 12" wide and 8" deep ( 6ft by roughly 3.5 feet)
How much scenery is needed
Each player brings 3 pieces of scenery. Each piece occupies a  zone. The usual woods, hills, type scenery options.
How many D6 needed
Players need 18 D6 all of the same colour.
Measurement method
Units move from zone to face touching zone. Foot usually move 1 zone per turn and mounted usually move 2 zones per turn. D6 scores are need to move sideways or out of scenery.
Basing of troops
Any basing will work due to the grid nature of the game table. The specific CK sizes are 3x3cm for foot and 3x4 for mounted. Units are made up of three bases. The unit dies by the half base. thus, after the first casualty a unit has 2.5 bases. then 2 bases etc.
Typical army
A Macedonian  army might have 7 pike units, 4 peltast units, 6 foot skirmisher units, 2 mounted units and 2 mounted skirmisher units, plus 2 generals.
Number of armies
The current war book (compilation of army lists) has about 70 armies in it. The war book will be free to download from the Peter Pig website. It will be added to quite a lot and still remain a free resource for players.
Controlling the army
In CK there are are no rolls  to motivate. All units may move and act. This acting might be restricted by enemy action, scenery  or morale.
Role of the general
The general will enhance the performance of any zone he is with.  Generals can have specific gifts that affect  morale , fighting and movement.
Moving system
CK always moves from right to left when considering movement or shooting. This makes the game  much more manageable rather than  randomly picking units here and there. A zone may contain up to three units. Added to this a first skirmish unit does not overcrowd the zone , nor does a first elephant, general or artillery piece.
Players should consider what combination they want within a zone. Â For example a zone containing a cavalry unit, close order foot unit and an artillery piece is badly conceived in terms of combined arms or action.
Shooting system
Close order  shooters are allowed 4D6, Auxiliary shooters are allowed 3D6.  Skirmisher are allowed 2D6. The total; zone amount is rolled as a single handful.
e.g  A zone might contain 2 close order shooter units and a  skirmish unit. 4+4+2 = 10D6.  5,6 scores are hits.
Then saves are applied. Typically 4,5,6 for Unarmoured with shield.
Fighting system
A bunch of about 15D6 versus another bunch of about 15D6. Number of D6 is based upon units in the zone plus characteristics that are good or bad. Often there are more casualties from being beaten and falling back than in te actual fight.
Morale system
The morale system is bunch of D6. there are only 5 criteria. Thus, the morale system can be easuily memorised. Ecah 4,5,6= fail. 1 fail not too bad, 3 fails really quite bad.
Game length
A countdown system starting at 36. players rolsl aD6 and may re-roll. Gives a typical game length of 10 turns ( 5 each).
Victory conditions
Dead opponents plus a value is given to zones held. Plus other lesser criteria too.
Changes for 25mm figures
Bigger table size. See above.
3 pieces per player. Typically a player might bring 2 gentle hills and a wood.
Battle tactics
Each army is allotted 3 battle tactics from the master list of 12. Â e.g. "Close order" allows auxiliary units to close ranks and become close order for the turn.
Best parts
Battle tactics. Knowing what to use and when.
e.g. Die Hard. Troops save 1 better for the current fight.