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    • SALE
      25mm Textured Bases (3mm Bevel) 25mm Textured Bases (3mm Bevel)

      25mm Textured Bases (3mm Bevel)

      STRAIGHT TO PAINT! This box includes 48 textured hard plastic 25mm bases with a 3mm height and bevel edge. Whether you want to field your models on desert, gravel, mud, snow, or an alien world these bases have you covered. Skip the putty and go straight...

      Was: $15.00
      Now: $13.50
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    • SALE
      28mm Boxers

      28mm Boxers

      THE DRAGON WAKES! China 1899. A populist movement secretly supported by the Empress Dowager has risen up to expel all foreigners from Chinese soil. Called the Yihequan (Fists of Harmony and Justice) but “Boxers” by foreigners because their members...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm British Infantry (1916-1918)

      28mm British Infantry (1916-1918)

      JOIN YOUR COUNTRY'S ARMY! This hard plastic set allows you to build up to 30 British infantry equipped for World War One and somewhat suitable for the lead up to World War Two. A selection of hat and helmet types allow you to model for both in the...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm British SAS/Commandos

      28mm British SAS/Commandos

      Inspired by the mobile commandos of the Boer War, the Special Air Service was formed by Britain after the fall of France in 1940. Volunteers underwent rigorous training covering weaponry, stealth, orienteering, air and amphibious assault, demolition, and...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Bronze Age Chariots

      28mm Bronze Age Chariots

      THUNDER OF HOOVES! RUMBLE OF WHEELS! The chariot was the first mobile instrument of war. Appearing as far back as 6000 years ago when horses were first domesticated and the wheel was invented, the chariot quickly became a powerful weapons platform. This...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Bulldogs

      28mm Bulldogs

      In the far future, there are many suns that never set on the British Empire or at least on the Imperial sons and daughters that make up the Bulldogs team. One of the stars of the Death Fields Circuit, the Bulldogs is a combined team formed from abductees...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Cannon Fodder

      28mm Cannon Fodder

      THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE...HATE YOU. These are the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the washouts, the mental cases, the warriors who just can't cut it or the teams whose strategy, training, or cunning have fallen behind new, younger franchises... These...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Cannon Fodder (2): Females

      28mm Cannon Fodder (2): Females

      THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE...HATE YOU. These are the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the washouts, the mental cases, the warriors who just can't cut it or the teams whose strategy, training, or cunning have fallen behind new, younger franchises... These...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Citizens of Rome 28mm Citizens of Rome

      28mm Citizens of Rome

      Momento Mori... Amidst the grandeur of ancient Rome, a gritty underbelly thrived, where darkness and violence reigned supreme. In the labyrinthine alleys and bustling marketplaces, gangs emerged as formidable forces, their presence starkly contrasting...

      Was: $39.95
      Now: $35.96
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    • SALE
      28mm Classic Fantasy: Werewolves

      28mm Classic Fantasy: Werewolves

      AARWHOOOO!!! The Blood Cursed...the Fanged Ones...Nightpack...Lost Children of the Forest...whatever you call them the men and women who turn when the full moon shines are a scourge upon the Free Kingdoms. These half-man half-wolf beasts are both...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Conquistador and Cavalry

      28mm Conquistador and Cavalry

      SHATTERING THE SUN GOD! The Conquest of the New World almost died with Hernan Cortes at Otumba as Aztecs surrounded his small force and Tlaxcalan allies. In the heat of battle, he noticed a group of priests and leaders directing the Aztec army. He...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Conquistadors

      28mm Conquistadors

      The men who plundered the Americas were typically adventurers down on their luck and willing to risk all to change their fortunes. Many were well-trained mercenaries in service to the kings of Europe who vied among themselves to control land, people, and...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Dark Ages Shields

      28mm Dark Ages Shields

      FORM SHIELDWALL! Hard plastic shields are an easy way to equip your warband with a uniform look. Each shield measures 14mm round and features a flat surface around the central boss. The backs have wood grain design, a central support grip, and a hole for...

      Was: $15.00
      Now: $13.50
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    • SALE
      28mm Einherjar

      28mm Einherjar

      THE WARRIORS OF VALHALLA TAKE THE FIELD… Abducted from their longship on the return voyage from a raid on Wessex, these Norsemen’s new owner settled them on a high gravity world and began their training for the Death Fields circuit. After each battle as...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Eisenkern Panzerjäger

      28mm Eisenkern Panzerjäger

      STALKING THE MECHANIZED BATTLEFIELD… The Eisenkern Panzerjäger are special forces trained to hunt and kill mechanized foes. Whether it’s a walker, tracked or grav tank, or a mobile command unit, they almost always take down their prey. Many Panzerjäger...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Foot Knights (1150-1320) 28mm Foot Knights (1150-1320)

      28mm Foot Knights (1150-1320)

      AD MORTEM INIMICUS!"Death to the Enemy!" Sons of noble birth, the knights of 12th and 13th century Europe were the kings of the battlefield. Heavily armed and armored, few could stand in their way. Vassal to a lord, each was paid for their service...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm French Infantry (1916-1940)

      28mm French Infantry (1916-1940)

      ILS NE PASSERONT PAS! “They Shall Not Pass!” the French battlecry adopted after Verdun. This hard plastic set allows you to build up to 35 French infantry equipped for either World War One or World War Two (with enough of each type of rifle and heads for...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm German Infantry (1916-18)

      28mm German Infantry (1916-18)

      The war that would be over by Christmas 1914 drags on. Soldiers on both sides are confronted by the grim reality of modern war: trenches, barbed wire, machine guns, and poison gas. Still, battles must be fought and won at any cost. This hard plastic box...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm German Sentries

      28mm German Sentries

      HALT! STEHEN BLEIBEN! German soldiers were assigned to thousands of non-combat roles in both conquered territories and within their own borders. Soldiers could be tasked with watching over prisoner of war camps and secret military facilities, as...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Goth Warriors

      28mm Goth Warriors

      As the Romans tried to hold their Empire together, a new threat emerged from the East: the Goths! Fleeing the growing power of the Huns, these Germanic tribes became allies and enemies of Rome and eventually sacked the great city itself. This hard...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Halfling Militia

      28mm Halfling Militia

      READY TO DEFEND HEARTH AND HOME… Scattered throughout the kingdoms of Men are several halfling communities. Primarily people of the earth – farmers, millers, butchers, drovers – halflings nevertheless have to make their way in a world that can be fraught...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Harvesters - Alien Bugs 28mm Harvesters - Alien Bugs

      28mm Harvesters - Alien Bugs

      SCOURGE OF THE GALAXY! Bugs, Scabs, Chits, Cancrids, Kryk, Krixor, Chigs, Vrizn, Bllrrll, Flaa, Crabs…there are hundreds of names for this invasive species. Humanity mostly refers to them as Harvesters for how they plunder and cull every resource and...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Horses

      28mm Horses

      Designed with minimal tack these models are suitable for a wide range of uses to represent horses throughout history, fantasy…and beyond! Each sprue includes six horse halves, four heads, three tails, and three saddle blankets. Each half is designed to...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Italian Infantry

      28mm Italian Infantry

      CREDERE, OBBEDIRE, COMBATTERE! “Believe, Obey, Fight!” was the slogan of the Fascist government of Italy under Mussolini as it entered World War 2 as an Axis member. Italian troops fought in France, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia and on other...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Les Grognards

      28mm Les Grognards

      VIVE LA FRANCE! The team began with a core of Napoleon’s Young and Old Guard from Waterloo and later were reinforced with troops from the Western Front of the Great War and decades later from the jungles of Vietnam. Over the centuries, their shared...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Les Grognards Cavalry

      28mm Les Grognards Cavalry

      ÉCRASE-LES! “Crush them!” Ney’s famous command to the cavalry at Waterloo is the battle cry of Les Grognards Cavalry units. These hard-hitting units are a devastating addition to the Grognard team’s efforts on the Death Fields Circuit and just a few can...

      Was: $39.95
      Now: $35.95
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    • SALE
      28mm Light Horses

      28mm Light Horses

      NEIGH! Designed with a clever separate rein system say goodbye to the big blob of plastic under the horse’s head with these models! These horse are suitable for a wide range of uses to represent horses throughout history, fantasy,…and beyond! Each sprue...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Panzer Lehr Division

      28mm Panzer Lehr Division

      “Shut your eyes and go in!” General Fritz Bayerlein’s exhortation to his Panzer Lehr troops. This elite unit was formed from veterans who participated in the fighting on the Eastern Front, North Africa, and Sicily and was outfitted with the latest...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Prussian Reserve (1813-1815)

      28mm Prussian Reserve (1813-1815)

      The 1807 Treaty of Tilsit forced Prussia to constrain their army to no more than 42,000 men. They evaded the restriction by the Krümper System of cycling new recruits through the army to create a reserve of trained men. When Prussia declared war on...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Raumjäger Infantry

      28mm Raumjäger Infantry

      Even before they became the famed Raumjager of the Death Fields circuit, this group of human warriors were an elite German parachute unit - the Fallschirmjäger. One moment they were trying to stem the tide of the Allied advance near Carentan, the next...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots

      28mm Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots

      CHARGING FROM THEIR GRAVES The Undead Hordes rise to bring their terrible might against the Free Kingdoms of the High Queen. Charging forward on skeletal steed and in chariots long unused, they seek their vengeance against the living. This hard plastic...

      Was: $39.95
      Now: $35.96
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    • SALE
      28mm Skeleton Warriors

      28mm Skeleton Warriors

      They are the shades of the men of Sparta, Athens, Thebes, and Macedon. When a Necromancer plunders the coins meant for Charon, she can reanimate their remains and bind them to her will. Only by removing the skull from the body, or destroying the coins,...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      28mm SneakFeet

      28mm SneakFeet

      YOU WILL NOT SEE DEATH COMING… Like The Vain, The SneakFeet were similarly misled by greedy owners. Owned by Advantage DFCW, the team was first founded as a sniper-only unit made up of humans that had been reaped from a variety of Earth conflicts over...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      Grand Battle Scale: Ashigaru

      Grand Battle Scale: Ashigaru

      THE LIGHT OF FOOT The Ashigaru (“light of foot” in Nihongo) were the backbone of 16th and early 17th century Japanese armies. Originally wandering mercenaries that came from peasant stock, they were organized into more formal units as the centuries...

      Was: $39.95
      Now: $35.96
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    • SALE
      Grand Battle Scale: Samurai

      Grand Battle Scale: Samurai

      The Samurai were the warrior knights of feudal Japan. The chaotic 16th century Sengoku period provided ample opportunity to hone martial skills and those who made a name for themselves as warriors could even rise to the rank of Samurai from the peasant...

      Was: $34.95
      Now: $31.46
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    • SALE
      Quar Coftyran Command Specialists

      Quar Coftyran Command Specialists

      The standard bearer is the heart of the rhyfler company. Standing bravely amid the smoke and chaos of battle the fluttering banner held aloft is a beacon and rallying point for the rhyflers when things get messy. Losing the banner is a disaster that...

      Was: $15.00
      Now: $13.50
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