SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Connector Booster Pack - TSCI991 MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone GCPS Recon Squad Starter - DZG103 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Acrylic Item Markers - DZM109 MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $22.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Asterian Matsudan Booster - DZA104 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Asterian War Clade Starter - DZA103 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Command Dice Pack - DZM108 MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: D8 pack - DZM107 MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Enforcer Insurgence Protocol Starter - DZE104 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Forge Father Brokkrs Booster - DZF105 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: GCPS Urban Pacification Booster - DZG104 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Deadzone: Veer-Myn Tunnel Ambush Booster - DZV105 MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Forgotten Foundry - TC201 MSRP: Was: $40.00 Now: $36.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Gang Warzone - TC202 MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Industrial Zone - TC207 MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Landing Zone - TC206 MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Military Compound - TC208 MSRP: Was: $150.00 Now: $135.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Mantic Games Terrain Crate: SCIFI Doors - SS305 MSRP: Was: $30.00 Now: $27.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Connector Booster Pack - TSCI991 Mantic’s Battlezones Tile System range brings affordable, modular scenery to any 28mm wargaming table. The tile-based terrain can be assembled in an endless variety of ways using an innovative system of connector clips which do not require glue. Every... MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone GCPS Recon Squad Starter - DZG103 Only the bravest – or the best-paid – soldiers join the recon operations. Often first into an active combat zone, these veterans identify enemy forces and fighting strength. The information that they gather is usually valued more than their lives and... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Acrylic Item Markers - DZM109 Taking advantage of the resources around you can be the key to surviving the harsh environment of a Deadzone. These hard-wearing acrylic counters are perfect for representing the items and equipment found in your games. MSRP: Was: $25.00 Now: $22.50 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Asterian Matsudan Booster - DZA104 One of the few races to regularly treat and form pacts with the Asterians are the Matsudan. This ancient race of large, lizard-like creatures is thought to be almost as old as the Asterians themselves. They have a culture steeped in tradition and honour,... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Asterian War Clade Starter - DZA103 The Asterians venerate the pursuit of universal balance above all else, their very society based around this concept. Their disdain of warfare and violence has led to the development of technology which allows their finest warriors to fight on the... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Command Dice Pack - DZM108 A canny commander always makes sure that the odds are in their favour! These superbly crafted command dice will ensure that you are always taking the best opportunities for victory. Contents: 6x black command dice MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: D8 pack - DZM107 A vital resource for any commander – this pack contains extra 8-sided dice for your games. Perfect for extra players or devastating weapons. Contents: 8x white 8 sided dice (D8) MSRP: Was: $12.50 Now: $11.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Enforcer Insurgence Protocol Starter - DZE104 The insurgence protocol is intended for swift, surgical strikes far behind enemy lines. Pathfinders will highlight desirable targets for elimination followed by heavily armed and armoured Peacekeepers who move in for the kill. Dozens of targets can be... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Forge Father Brokkrs Booster - DZF105 The Brokkrs arrive to strip whatever profit they can from the planet. They’re armed to the teeth, lest they run into any problems they can’t talk their way out of. Once the Brokkrs have established the best places to exploit, they call in the heavy... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: GCPS Urban Pacification Booster - DZG104 Most of the GCPS’ deployments are within their own borders – suppressing civil unrest or eradicating insidious alien incursions. In the tight confines of the city sprawl, troopers are equipped for close quarters. Shotguns and Suppressor shields, backed... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Deadzone: Veer-Myn Tunnel Ambush Booster - DZV105 Veer-Myn tunnels can honeycomb unaware colonies. These usually remain undisturbed until intersected by an unfortunate mining crew. The Veer-Myn run regular patrols of Tunnel Runners and Terrors through the networks to silence any such discoveries until... MSRP: Was: $42.50 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Forgotten Foundry - TC201 The industrial areas of the GCPS are swiftly abandoned in warzones, left to rot like those who staffed them. Many rusted derelicts serve as cover for ongoing battles in the outer spheres. CONTENTS This set contains nearly 100 pieces of modular terrain... MSRP: Was: $40.00 Now: $36.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Gang Warzone - TC202 In the unregulated Outer Spheres of the GCPS, gang warfare is rife, representing a constant danger to colonists. These criminals can be found in brutal firefights with rivals over the crisscrossing gantries and walkways of the newly erected habitats. In... MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Industrial Zone - TC207 The sprawling factory complexes found on human-occupied worlds are often the sites of conflict. Conveyor belts and machinery are used for cover, as the automated systems continue to function despite the raging firefights taking place around them... MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Landing Zone - TC206 With the GCPS relying heavily on commerce and trade from newly discovered worlds, landing zones are quickly established to move materials and personnel. More often than not, these are the sites of desperate evacuations during Plague outbreaks or Veer-Myn... MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $72.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: Military Compound - TC208 These fortified terrain tiles are perfect for building a sprawling military base, or many smaller armoured buildings. There are defence lasers, barricades, armour upgrades for walls and some industrial components to add variety to your structures... MSRP: Was: $150.00 Now: $135.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Mantic Games Terrain Crate: SCIFI Doors - SS305 From hermetically sealed entrances to reinforced blast doors, the GCPS employ the use of only the best technology to keep their competitors out and their secrets in. CONTENTS This set contains 20 pieces of pre-assembled plastic scenery, designed for 28mm... MSRP: Was: $30.00 Now: $27.00 Add to Cart