Product Description
- Zeong
- Display Stand
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- The mono-eye sticker can be placed in a different position (keep in mind that this is a one-time method before deciding how to apply).
- The head can only rotate on a ball-and-socket joint.
- Neck-collar construction can tilt back and forth.
- When slightly pulled out, the shoulder joints can swing frontwards/backwards in an extent.
- The arms can...
- Swing on a peg-and-socket joint.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper arms can rotate.
- Elbow joints can be bent up to roughly 30 degrees.
- The manipulators...
- Can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- Features fully articulated fingers but there is no knuckle articulation.
- Waist joint can tilt back and forth.
Weapons/Other Gimmicks
- The kit can be connected to the provided display base via a polycap joint, allowing the kit to be displayed at an angle.
- Head can be optionally detached from the body for individual display.
- Arms can be detached and connected with the provided cable for displaying with the 5-barrel Mega Particle Guns deployed.
- The thrusters underneath the skirt armor can pivot.
Tips & Tricks
- For better results, some or most of the details are needed to be applied with Gundam Markers or Mr. Color paints.
- Topcoat (Mr. Hobby recommended) can be used to protect applied stickers and if any, marking decals and painted details.
- If using matte/flat-finish top coat, it is advisable not to spray on the translucent parts - can be done by masking or spraying top coat while the said parts are separated.
- Section 19 of the instruction manual provides a 100-mm measurement that can be used for accurately cutting the cable.