Product Description
- Stark Jegan
- 1 pair of Missile Pod/Shoulder Armors
- Manipulators
- Multipurpose weapon-holding (1 pair)
- Trigger-finger (right)
- Beam Rifle
- Hyper Bazooka
- Beam Saber
- Long blade
- Medium blade
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- The head can swivel on a ball-joint and/or pivot back on a hinge.
- The shoulder joints can raise upwards or swing frontwards in a mostly limited manner.
- The arms can...
- Swing on a rod joint.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper elbows can turn.
- Elbow joints can be bent into 90 degrees.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The waist can rotate 360 degree.
- Side skirt armors can pivot.
- The hip joint axis can swing frontwards/backwards on one side.
- The upper thighs can swivel on the hips' ball-and-socket joints.
- The ankles can tilt/pivot and/or swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The upper backpack thrusters can pivot.
Weapons/Other Gimmicks
- The hands are swappable.
- Each of the weapons must be wielded by their respective hand parts.
- The Hyper Bazooka's trigger grip can slightly swing back and forth.
- Missile Pods can be optionally detached from the shoulders, though the protruding ports are present.
- Beam Saber can attach with either long or normal beam blades.
- Jegan can mount onto any Action Bases. (sold separately)
Tips & Tricks
- For better results, some or most of the details are needed to be painted/panel-lined with Gundam Markers and/or Mr. Color paints.
- Topcoat (Mr. Hobby recommended) can be used to protect marking decals and if any, painted details.
- If using matte/flat-finish top coat, it is advisable not to spray on the translucent parts - can be done by masking or spraying top coat while the said parts are separated.
- Care must be taken while separating the hand parts: Due to its slightly tight construction, the pin that connects the thumb section can potentially snap off if you separate it with excessive force.
- High Detail Manipulator 199 can be used for this kit. (Repaint required)
- The Jegan D-Type parts for HGUC Jegan garage kit can be used to convert this Gunpla into Jegan D-Type.