Product Description
- Star Build Strike Gundam
- 2 Beam Sabers
- Universe Booster
- Star Beam Rifle
- Absorb Shield
- Plavsky Wings
- Large
- For Clavicle/Cannon
- Adapter
- For legs
- Display Stand
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- The head can rotate/tilt on a double ball-joint neck.
- The torso can tilt forwards or backward in a limited manner.
- The shoulder joints can tilt frontwards.
- The arms can...
- Swivel on a ball-and-socket joints.
- Raise horizontally.
- The upper arms can rotate.
- Both elbow and knees feature double-jointed parts.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint.
- The waist can rotate, though in a somewhat limited extent due to the skirt armor panels.
- The hip joint axis is a see-saw-type joint.
- The upper thighs can swing frontward (and backward in a very limited extent due to the single-piece rear skirt armor) on a peg, raise horizontally and/or rotate on each piece.
- The ankle joints can pivot and/or swivel (though limited) on a ball-and-socket joint.
Weapons/Other Gimmicks
- Any of the weapons can be wielded by the default hands.
- Beam Saber hilts can be optionally removed from the waist armors as handheld weapons.
- Universe Booster can be detached from or attach onto Build Strike Gundam.
- Cannons can be wedged out to form attack mode.
- The Star Beam Rifle features a poseable barrel, though changing another one of the modes requires parts swapping.
- Star Beam Rifle can also combine with the Absorb Shield.
- The Absorb Shield's panel can be swapped.
- The Plavsky Wings can attach onto the Star Build Strike Gundam. (Refer to the instructions on how to attach them)
- Star Build Strike is also compatible with other 1/144 Striker Packs (with some fewer exceptions like the Sword and/or Launcher Striker's shoulder parts)
- Star Build Strike Gundam or Universe Booster can attach onto the included display stand, or onto any Action Bases. (sold separately)
Tips & Tricks
- For better results, some or most of the details are needed to be applied/panel-lined with Gundam Markers and/or Mr. Color paints.
- Topcoat (Mr. Hobby recommended) can be used to protect applied stickers and if any, marking decals and paint details.
- If using matte/flat-finish top coat, it is advisable not to spray on the clear/translucent and the softer parts - can be done by masking or spraying top coat while the said parts are separated.
Customizing-based tips
- If one chooses, the Build Strike can be built back into its default form.