Product Description
- Gundam Exia
- 2 Long GN Beam Saber hilts
- 2 Short GN Beam Saber hilts
- Manipulators
- Weapon-holding (1 pair)
- Open-palm (left)
- GN Sword
- 1 GN Beam Saber
- GN Shield
- GN Long Blade
- GN Short Blade
- Adapters for GN Long/Short Blades
Kit Features & Gimmicks
- The head can swivel/tilt on a double-sided ball-joint neck.
- Shoulder joints can swing back and forth.
- The arms can...
- Swing on a peg-and-socket joint.
- Raise horizontally. (Depending on how you bent, the cables may hinder its articulation.)
- The upper arms can rotate.
- Elbow joints can be bent up to 90 degrees.
- The manipulators can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint if slightly pulled down.
- The waist can rotate 360 degrees.
- Front skirt armors can pivot up and down to avoid interference with the leg articulation.
- The 3-way hip joint axis can slightly swing back-and-forth or tilt upwards/downwards on one side.
- The ball-jointed upper thighs can slightly raise horizontally and/or swing frontwards (and backwards in a limited extent due to the non-poseable rear skirt armor).
- The legs feature double-jointed knee parts.
- The feet can swivel on a ball-and-socket joint and/or tilt frontwards/backwards.
- Clavicle antennas can flip up and down on each piece.