Brookhurst Club

Sprue Cutters
Come in and build, a causal builders meetup to build and show off current work of models. Any modelers welcome
Generally meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Free entry

Kill team
Meet up and play casual games of kill team with a laidback group of players. New players welcome.
Generally Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays
Starts usually 1pm

DND Night
Join or Start your own campaign. Not just DND but any RPG games welcome. Have fun and start your epic adventures with us.
Weekly Event on Wednesdays
Nightly Fee - $1

Mecha Club
A group of builders who like to build and hang out. Not just gunpla model builds but also builders for any other brand. Koto, Wave, Etc
Meets generally last Saturday of the month
Free Entry

Age of Sigmar - Game Night
Play AOS casually with other AOS fans and Game for the night.
Meets Generally every friday
5pm - 10pm
$5 nightly entry fee

Friday Night Magic
Casual Magic the Gathering Meetup night. Format is draft if you are new or looking for a non hyper competative play group this is what you need.
(Meets may cancel due to lack of players)
Meets generally every friday
7 - 10pm
Weekly Draft Buy in fee (varies on set)