SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-07 TYRANIDS: HIVE GUARD MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $68.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-09 TYRANIDS: TYRANNOFEX MSRP: Was: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-16 TYRANIDS: TERMAGANTS OLD MSRP: Was: $35.00 Now: $29.75 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-18 TYRANIDS: WARRIORS MSRP: Was: $62.50 Now: $53.13 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-30 TYRANIDS: Deathleaper MSRP: Was: $62.50 Now: $53.13 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-31 Tyranids: Norn Emissary MSRP: Was: $118.00 Now: $100.30 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-34 TYRANIDS: TERMAGANTS MSRP: Was: $45.00 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-41 Tyranids: Biovore MSRP: Was: $52.00 Now: $44.20 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Details Games Workshop - GW GW51-75 TYRANIDS: Psychophage MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $51.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-07 TYRANIDS: HIVE GUARD Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the Tyranid Hive Ships and capillary towers that stand sentinel over prey worlds, until such time as intruders come within range of... MSRP: Was: $80.00 Now: $68.00 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-09 TYRANIDS: TYRANNOFEX The Tyrannofex has the armour and fortitude of a living battle fortress and its weaponry eclipses that of its foes' most powerful battle tanks in both quantity and devastating potential. The Tyrannofex displays all the horrific might so typical of the... MSRP: Was: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-16 TYRANIDS: TERMAGANTS OLD Termagants are fast, agile and cunning creatures. When a Tyranid Hive Fleet descends upon a prey-world, Termagants scuttle forward on four legs whilst unleashing torrents of fire from the bio-weapons that serve as their forelimbs.This box set contains 12... MSRP: Was: $35.00 Now: $29.75 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-18 TYRANIDS: WARRIORS Tyranid Warriors are the most adaptable of all the Hive Mind’s bioforms. They are efficient killing machines with the ability to employ a wide variety of bio-weapon symbiotes. On the battlefield they are found fighting in both close quarters and at long... MSRP: Was: $62.50 Now: $53.13 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-30 TYRANIDS: Deathleaper The Deathleaper is a rare and advanced development of the Lictor strain, perfectly evolved to act as a terror weapon. This apex Lictor possesses an instinctive understanding of how to spread fear through hostile forces and prey populations alike, using... MSRP: Was: $62.50 Now: $53.13 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-31 Tyranids: Norn Emissary Each Norn Emissary is a purpose-bred beast, spawned by its Norn Queen to accomplish a specific and singular objective – be it hunting a strategically gifted commander, abducting a knowledgeable prey-being, or pursuing some other ineffable goal. These... MSRP: Was: $118.00 Now: $100.30 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-34 TYRANIDS: TERMAGANTS Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, armed with living weapons that spit flesh-eating organisms and venomous spines. Originally spawned to roam the tight arterial passages of hive ships and hunt intruders, Termagants harry their... MSRP: Was: $45.00 Now: $38.25 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-41 Tyranids: Biovore Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bodies. Upon anchoring itself to the ground with chitinous spurs, a Biovore undergoes violent spasms that expel its volatile offspring... MSRP: Was: $52.00 Now: $44.20 Add to Cart
SALE Quick view Games Workshop - GW GW51-75 TYRANIDS: Psychophage A Psychophage stampedes into battle at a frightening speed. They devour any prey organism in their paths, but especially favour those victims with psychic abilities. How they metabolise such esoteric powers is unclear, but doing so allows them to project... MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $51.00 Add to Cart